Saturday, December 23, 2006

Blame it on someone else

In a culture where nothing is ever anyone's fault, it's not surprising that all troubles are blamed on the president. After all, he's been in power, illegitimately some would say, for what? 25 years? That's more years than many have even lived.

However, I would say that a nation is only as good as its president. That is to say, most presidents do end up representing the masses. Or rather what any one of the masses would do in his place! Are you telling me that the average Egyptian does NOT participate in corruption? Does NOT use any chance (by ill-begotten means) to get ahead? Down to the pettiest traffic cop, the majority of those in power abuse that power around here on a daily basis. Give a little tip to the police and they will let you go. And that's the way the country operates. Everyone knows it. Everyone is a conspirator in the system.

So how come you blame the president? Do you honestly think that another man/woman in power would bring some kind of miraculous change to the whole country? That they would change everyone's corrupted morals into decency? Get real. The only thing that is going to change any country, or the world for that matter, is the extent to which each individual pulls up his socks and starts living according to the code they imagine life should be lived by.

Everyone is too willing to tell a lie, to deceive, to bribe, to go along with the system that they know in their hearts is wrong. Take education for instance. I doubt there is anyone here that would say the Egyptian education system is a model example to the world. Everybody knows that the situation is getting worse and worse. Every child that can afford it gets tuitions after school. Why? Because obviously they are not learning what they need to learn at school. Kids are spending their lives on homework and extra classes. I'm not really sure what they are actually doing at school. But it can't be anything very useful since they need these extra classes. Doesn't anyone remember the days when you didn't tell anyone you went to extra classes because that meant you were "dumb"?

People just go along with the system. And its getting worse and worse by all accounts. People are graduating with all kinds of degrees with impressive titles. But when they are actually lucky enough to land a job, they are usually completely unprepared for the work required of them. And not just unprepared, but unable to use their brains to get themselves prepared.

Well, the reason things are getting this bad is because people are letting it. Its a land of sheep. Are you going to walk yourselves blindly to the slaughterhouse of complete and utter ignorance or what?

Be my guests if that's what you want to do, but don't try to blame it on your president. You have your own eyes, ears, hearts, minds, souls. Try using them.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love your blog! Hope you will revive your interest in continuing to post.

I have often considered the whole responsibility issue in Egypt.
Good ideas, well put.